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- Source Distribution of the KA9Q Internet Package and Utilities
- Notice:
- Unless otherwise specified, all documentation, source and object
- code making up the KA9Q Internet Package are Copyright (C) 1986 by
- Phil Karn, KA9Q. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted
- for free NONcommercial copying and use only.
- Note to those receiving this package as an ARC file:
- In order to preserve the structure of the directories used for the
- sources, this code is distributed as a group of .ARC files, one per
- subdirectory. DO NOT un-Arc all of the .ARC files in the same
- directory as there are duplicate file names. The suggested procedure
- for unpacking is to create subdirectories named: BM, DOC, EXE, SRC,
- and TNC, and then un-Arc each .ARC file in the appropriate
- subdirectory. Note that the SRC and BM makefiles assume that the
- resulting executable file will reside in ../EXE, so these should all
- be subdirectories of some main directory.
- This package contains everything you need to install and run the KA9Q Internet
- software for packet radio. Included are the executable programs, sample
- configuration files, and all installation and user documentation. In addition,
- all of the sourcecode for each of the executable programs is included, along
- with a technical reference manual describing the internal operation of the
- net.exe program.
- This release of the KA9Q Internet code contains the following subdirectories:
- exe - Contains the main executable file "net.exe" and a prototype
- "autoexec.net". Copy net.exe to wherever you put local commands.
- When run, net.exe reads initialization commands from the file
- "autoexec.net" (if it exists) in the ROOT (not current) directory
- of the current drive. Copy the sample autoexec.net provided to the
- root directory and edit it to reflect your node configuration.
- See the files in the doc directory (especially doc/useguide.doc)
- for details.
- The mail user interface 'bm.exe' by Bdale N3EUA is also in this
- directory, along with sample configuration files. You will need
- to read the bm.doc and smtp.doc files in order to install bm.
- doc - A collection of text documentation files:
- howto.doc - READ THIS BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING! This is a document
- created by WB6RQN and updated by N3EUA that attempts to lead you
- through a generic configuration and setup of the software.
- overview.doc - an overview of the interfaces and protocols currently
- supported, with a capsule summary of each along with notes on the
- implementation.
- useguide.doc - Practical details on using the "net.exe" program,
- including full descriptions of the commands.
- techref.doc - a detailed guide to the guts of the code, with emphasis
- on the interfaces between TCP/UDP and the application. Intended for
- those wishing to write their own application software or add subnet
- interface drivers.
- bm.doc - documentation on installing and using the mail user interface
- program.
- smtp.doc - documentation on installing and maintaining the SMTP mail
- client and server.
- kiss.doc - the specification of the KISS protocol for host<->tnc
- communications. An implementation of this standard for the TNC2 is
- included with this distribution.
- bm - Sources for BM, a standalone mail command (client) by Bdale Garbee,
- N3EUA. Full documentation is in doc/bm.doc. DoubleDOS is handy in
- allowing you to run it without shutting down net.exe.
- src - Sources for the "net.exe" program. They were written using the Aztec
- C compilers for the Z-80 and the 8086. Note that pc100.c and pc100.h
- are unfinished and are not yet usable. There is a makefile for the
- Aztec "make" command.
- tnc - Implementations of the KISS protocol for TNC1, TNC2, and VAD boards.
- We hope that everything you need to know is contained in the documentation
- files in this package. If you run into any snags, please communicate them
- to us for correction in future releases of the software.
- Bdale Garbee, N3EUA
- Maintainer of the "Official Distribution"
- 1433 Territory Trail
- Colorado Springs, CO 80919
- uucp: {bellcore, crash, hp-lsd, kd4nc, pitt, usafa, vixie}!winfree!bdale
- fido: Bdale Garbee at node 128/19, 303/593-0766, 300/1200 baud, 24hrs
- ............. . ... ...-.... 1200 N81N